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A bit of a mystery with this article from the Winter 1958-59 edition of "Gems & Gemmology." What is radium-X ?
So, looking for an isotope with a half life of 12.5 years in the radium decay series -
by Tosaka
There isn't anything with that half life. It's a mistake and they mean lead 210, with a half life shown above as 22.3 years. Its historic name is radium D, not radium X. Wikipedia says the half life of Pb210 is 22.2 years. This Stanford RSDS states 20.4 years. Then there's 21.4+/-0.5 years found by Eckelmann et al, this 1960 work published in the Physical Review - "Half-Life of Pb210"
Whatever the half life, the actual damage to the ring finger wouldn't be caused by lead 210 decay, but rather the 1.16 MeV betas produced by its daughter, bismuth 210.
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