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2008 - Camping with Zoë on Vulcano, just north of Sicily. We had a thunderstorm one night. I don't know whether the lightning conductor on the summit post of the La Fossa Crater was struck that night, but evidence of 20,000 °C electrical activity in the past, is shown by scars on the solid knob of copper (Cu boiling point 2562 °C) -
The summit post of the La Fossa crater - 500 meters above the Tyrrhenian Sea.
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Unrelated to this post, below is an example of
eclectic science esoterica
A video of a rare event -
Once thought extinct, a Dryococelus australis puts in an excruciating amount of effort to emerge from it's egg. Originally found only on Lord Howe island, and exterminated only two years after it's discovery in 1918, the giant stick insect was rediscovered on Ball's Pyramid in 2001.
Below, The Curies inspect some radium chloride.
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