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Sea otters, Enhydra lutris.
Splendid creature, the sea otter. I've watched them hunting and playing in the lochs of Scotand and in the Pacific, off Monterey. Fantastically agile and with a mischievous curiosity, they're one of the most liked of animals. A thousand of these beautiful creatures were instantly killed by the US Dept. of Energy in Nov 1971. At their testing facilities on Amchitka Island (one of the Aleutian islands), technicians detonated a 5 Megaton thermonuclear bomb deep underground. The shock wave resulted in 35G accelerations to objects in water or on the ground. Otters were found with their eyeballs driven through their skulls.
This "experiment" was conducted solely to test the W71 warhead of the US Army's new Spartan Missile.
This 9 second clip shows the huge acceleration of the Spartan -
The Spartan Missile was an ABM - anti-ballistic missile - designed to deliver a nuclear payload near to incoming missiles. The W71 would detonate and disable the enemy warheads by neutron irradiation. The 21 PetaJoule blast was optimised for the production of thermal X-rays and minimal debris in an exoatmospheric detonation. They couldn't test a W71 in the hard vacuum of space, so they elected to do it in solid rock with a fragile, diverse eco-system 6150 ft above....
Below is a 3 minute video of the Cannikin Project, the largest ever underground nuclear explosion. It's well worth watching for the Richter 7 earthquake, ocean & lake cavitation, and those technicians lowering a missile pointing downwards into the depths - no animals are seen being hurt.
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