Thursday, 26 July 2012

A Selection of Fluorescent Minerals

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photo & text Hannes Grobe

UV minerals-des hg.png

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Unrelated to this post, below is an example of
eclectic science esoterica 
“Mr Accum acquaints the Patrons and Amateurs of Chemistry that he continues to give private Courses of Lectures on Operative and Philosophical Chemistry, Practical Pharmacy and the Art of Analysis, as well as to take Resident Pupils in his House, and that he keeps constantly on sale in as pure a state as possible, all the Re-Agents and Articles of Research made use of in Experimental Chemistry, together with a complete Collection of Chemical Apparatus and Instruments calculated to Suit the conveniences of Different Purchasers. Philosophical Gentlemen residing in the Country or Abroad desirous of becoming purchasers of large or small Collections of Chemical Preparations, etc., may have explanatory Lists previously made out agreeably to the Expense they are willing to incur, and Chemical Catalogues may be had at the Labaratory, Old Compton Street, Soho London.”

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WARNING - Many subjects outlined within this site are extremely dangerous and are provided here for information only. Please don`t experiment with high voltages or chemicals unless you are fully conversant with safe laboratory practices. No liability will be accepted for death, injury or damage arising from experimentation using any information or materials supplied.